March JOAD Rotational and Colorado JOAD State Championship

March JOAD Rotational and Colorado JOAD State Championship

March Rotational hosted by Archery School of the Rockies

Registration Closes at 9:00pm on 03/13/2018.

Tournament Director: Tim Schaubroeck –

Tournament Dates: March 17th and 18th, 2018

Location: Archery School of the Rockies

1831 N Circle Dr

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Shooting Times – Tentative

Saturday March 17 9:00am – All Recurve + Junior Compound + All Yeoman

Saturday March 17 1:30pm All Barebow

Sunday March 18 10:00am Bowman, Cadet, Cub Compound


NOTE – Due to reception issues at the facility, there will NOT be electronic scoring at this event.

We are looking forward to a great tournament!