Here is the 2024-2025 tournament schedule and registration links…

October 19th – Mile High /Recon Archers at No Limits

  • Registration is closed
  • 9 am line – Junior (U21) and Cadet (U18)
  • 2 pm line – Cub (U15), Bowman (U13), and Yeoman

November 16th – Ascent Archery at No Limits

  • Registration is closed
  • 9 am line – Junior (U21) and Cadet (U18)
  • 2 pm line – Cub (U15), Bowman (U13), and Yeoman

December 14th – Aslan Archery at SSIA Archery and Pickle Ball facility, 6580 S. Vine St. Centennial CO

  • Registration is closed
  • 8 am check-in – All JOAD divisions and classes
  • 9 am line – All JOAD divisions and classes
  • 2 pm check-in / 3 pm line – This is a separate tournament for adults. Youth can compete but must register as an adult. THIS IS NOT APART OF THE BUCKLE SERIES

February 23rd – Archery School of the Rockies JOAD at Archery School of the Rockies

  • Registration is open – Click here to register
  • 8 am check in / 9 am line – Cub (U15), Bowman (U13), and Yeoman
  • 1 pm check in / 2 pm line – Junior (U21) and Cadet (U18)

March 15th – High Altitude Hitmen\Rocky Mountain Hot Shots at No Limits

Here are the current rankings – updated 2/2025

Please make sure your archer(s) are attached to a Colorado JOAD club. If your archer is not, then they will be considered a guest and not be able to qualify for the belt buckle award

To determine the Shooter of the Year and Winner of the Belt Buckle Award…

  • The Shooter of the Year will be determined through a point system with each archer earning “Placement Points” for their ranking in each event.
  • Shooters must participate in a minimum of 4 out of the 5 tournaments during the season to be eligible for the Shooter of the Year award
  • At the conclusion of all events, the shooter in each division with the lowest number of total Placement Points will be awarded the title of Shooter of the Year.
  • Placement Points are earned as follows: 1 point for first place, 2 points for second place, and 3 points for 3rd place, etc.
  • For purposes of calculating final placement points, the placement points in a shooter’s top 3 out of the 4 finishes will be used, as long as all 4 finishes took place in the same age division and discipline
  • If an archer competes in all 5 events, then the top 4 placings (or lowest number of placement points) are used to determine rankings.
  • If an archer competes in all 5 events in the same class/division, they will receive a bonus of a -1-placement point
  • In the situation where there is a tie, a shoot off at the last buckle series event will determine the winner
  • The coaches voted not to include the January JOAD State Tournament in the ranking this year.
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